Why Video Is A Secret Weapon For PR Storytelling

Video has become a key part of the modern comms strategy.

Lakshan Lingam
Senior Account Executive

Creativity-enabling tech combined with a shift in consumers’ social media habits has led video to being a key part of the modern comms strategy. As short-form content continues to grow in popularity and effectiveness, marketers are increasingly using video to hit client targets for growth and awareness. 

People prefer video. Period. A video requires minimal effort to consume and can be accessed pretty much anywhere, anytime. Research shows that 91% of consumers want to see more videos from brands.


As PR professionals, it’s vital we look for ways to incorporate video in our efforts. As a medium, video is unmatched at capturing attention and it adds instant depth to your messaging — which in turn delivers more impactful messaging and helps reach larger audiences.   

Here are a few of the things I’ve learned about how to use video effectively to make your customers pay attention. 

If it isn’t authentic, it isn’t a story
As a consumer, when you’re trying to learn more about a product, company or service, there’s a good chance you look for stories and testimonials from people who have used them before. Sharing experiences and personal stories can emotionalize information in a way that helps us connect, learn and grow. Similarly, media outlets want to connect with their readers, meaning a genuine and authentic (and engaging) story is key.

Use editing tools to drive connection
One way to convey authenticity is by using video storytelling. Using tactics like a 2-way camera set-up and editing video footage to switch frames based on who is speaking can allow the audience to feel as if they’re part of the conversation. Simple editing tricks like a slow zoom or properly framing a shot can speak volumes emotionally in much less time than written words.


Set a process and stick to it
While it may seem mystical, videos don’t happen by magic. There’s a process behind each shot, from deciding your purpose and the people you want to reach to writing the script, finding a location, editing and finally distribution across multiple channels. Don’t assume that viewers will come to you — strive to meet them where they are, on the networks they use.

Know your audience
Should it be a short video like a TikTok or long like a feature film? It all depends. According to research by Socialinsider, the optimal length is 2-5 minutes for videos shared via certain social media platforms. Considering that your video needs a home, your distribution strategy will very likely include social media.


Embrace what’s next
As PR professionals, we have to be adaptable, flexible and responsive when developing strategies to meet an ever changing media landscape. That includes being open to utilizing new platforms. As audiences continue to change how they consume media, we need to be ready to embrace those platforms on behalf of our clients. Publications like The Washington Post and NPR have already gathered large followings on TikTok and Instagram, making it easier for them to deliver news to wider audiences. These platforms provide us with invaluable opportunities to drive additional mileage from our media.

The irony of writing a blog about video is not lost on me. While it’s true today’s consumers are statistically more captivated and engaged by video, there’s a time and place for everything. Still, video is and will continue to be a key part of the marketing and PR mix. Be sure to keep audiences on their toes by offering different media types, lengths, and styles so that your content doesn’t get stale. 

If you’ve been considering video content for your brand but aren’t sure where to start, we can help! Just email marketing@methodcommunications.com